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How To Move Your Wardrobe


Are you getting ready to move to a new home in Colorado? For many people, packing up their wardrobe can be the most challenging task. The moving experts at Cowboy Moving & Storage in Denver CO have some tips that can making packing up and moving your wardrobe much easier.


1.   Pack Like You’re Going On A Vacation. Start by packing the clothes that are off season or you don’t wear very much. Roll them up so they don’t take up as much room. Then, pack them toward the bottom of the box. You will access them last so put the clothes you wear the most at the top or front of your boxes.

2.   Pack A “Moving Day” Box. Do this for everyone in your family. These boxes should not be packed in the main move but loaded last into the moving truck or in your vehicle. These should contain 1-3 days’ worth of clean clothes that you will be wearing immediately. This should include underwear, socks, shoes, pajamas and other clothes you’ll need immediately.

3.   How Are You Moving Your Clothing? If you’re traveling across the state or storing your items for a while before unpacking, you’ll want to keep your clothing sealed and protected. If you’re just moving in the neighborhood or across town, you can zip-tie hangers together and pile them on the backseat of your vehicle. For clothing in your dresser, if it’s a short distance move just keep your clothing in the dresser and seal the drawers and drawers so they don’t fly open when they are being moved.

4.   Label Your Boxes Well. Be sure to designate which bedroom the clothing will be going to, so it’s easy to unpack them in the right closet.

5.   Before You Start Packing… When you’re moving, it’s the perfect time for you to get rid of the items you no longer wear. Donate them to a local nonprofit. Why move a lot of heavy clothing you won’t be wearing—especially if you are using a moving company.

6.   Let A Professional Mover Take Care Of Packing Your Wardrobe.

Let’s face it—you’re not a professional mover. To make your move as stress-free as possible, choose a professional mover like Cowboy Moving & Storage to pack, load and deliver your belongings to your new home. They know the best ways to pack and move your belongings so they arrive safely. That way, you can focus on all of the other details of moving to a new home. For a free quote, call Cowboy Moving & Storage at 303-789-2200.

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