Are you getting ready to move to a new home? Even if you’ve decided to have a moving company pack your belongings, many people want to move their clothing themselves in order to save money. The moving experts at Cowboy Moving & Storage have put together these tips that can make moving the contents of your closet a lot easier.
Step 1: Sort And Declutter
The last thing you want to do is move items you’re not going to wear or use again. Start by removing everything from your closet. Then, create four distinct piles: keep, donate, sell and trash. Be honest with yourself about what you actually wear and use. Once you’ve created the donate and sell piles, get rid of those items as soon as you can, in order to avoid second-guessing.
Step 2: Organize By Category
You should group similar items together, like pants, shoes, accessories, etc. Then decide what you’ll pack in boxes, bags or suitcases.
Step 3: How To Pack Folded Clothing
Pack these in boxes, suitcases or vacuum-sealed bags to save space. Sometimes you can leave them in the drawers they are in, as long as you tape the drawers shut.
Step 4: Pack Up Those Shoes And Purses
Pack shoes in their original boxes if you have them. Otherwise, wrap your shoes and purses individually, so they don’t get damaged.
Step 5: Label Everything
Be sure to label every box with the name of the room it’s going to and include a description of the contents. It will make unpacking much easier.
Talk To A Moving Expert
If you decide you don’t want to pack up your own belongings, talk to the moving experts at Cowboy Moving & Storage. We’ve been helping Coloradans with all of their moving needs since 1968, so you know you can trust us! Plus, we have more than 2,500 five-star reviews on ReviewBuzz! If you need help moving to your new home, call 303-789-2200.